It's Wednesday already? Damn that went fast! Anyway, we'll be having another weekly challenge in about 45 minutes after this post goes live, if you have a suggestion for an art challenge topic there are three ways you can get them in!
- Reply to this post!
- PM me!
- Post it in the #art_challenge channel of the A Fox in Space Discord!
The challenge will be a one hour challenge starting from 9 PM CST until 10 PM CST, submissions will be accepted for potential voting for the first 20 minutes after 10 PM CST, and if we have 4 or more submissions, the submissions will be put to a vote in the discord, and the winner will recieve either a steam key for a game of their choosing(last week was a copy of Yooka Laylee!) out of my library or a free request of anything they want!
See you soon!